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  • Sunday, 15 September 2024

Brian Matasa

Last Login: Thursday, 01 January 1970, 03:00 am

Cryptocurrency Scam Victim Who Lost Over $1 Million.

Cryptocurrency Scam Victim Who Lost Over $1 Millio...

A victim of a cryptocurrency scam known as pig butchering, who lost over $1 million last year, in  California, is now set...

3 Ways COP27 Could Deliver Africa’s Needs For Climate Adaptation

3 Ways COP27 Could Deliver Africa’s Needs For Clim...

According to the World Economic Forum, African nations could have a bigger impact on reaching global net zero if three signific...

Post Politics Now: Biden To Give Pep Talk To Democratic Staffers As Election Day Rapidly Approaches

Post Politics Now: Biden To Give Pep Talk To Democ...

Today, with 15 days until Election Day, President Biden plans to make the short trip from the White House to the Democratic Nat...

WHO Says

WHO Says "Not A Time To Relax" As Covid, Flu Cases...

As winter approaches, the World Health Organization on Monday stressed the importance of staying vigilant as cases of Covid and...

Why We Enjoy Fear: The Science Of A Good Scare

Why We Enjoy Fear: The Science Of A Good Scare

The amygdala, an almond-shaped bundle of neurons deep in the centre of the brain, controls the fear response. In a fearful situ...

Why It's Important To Cool Down After Exercise, According To The Science

Why It's Important To Cool Down After Exercis...

Cooling down after exercise is just as important as warming up, helping the blood to keep flowing through the body and preventi...

How Meditation Can Help With Sleep Deprivation

How Meditation Can Help With Sleep Deprivation

While the number of hours of sleep each person needs varies over a lifetime, it is recommended that adults aged 18 and older ge...

Mind Control: The Metaverse May Be The Ultimate Tool Of Persuasion

Mind Control: The Metaverse May Be The Ultimate To...

If we’ve learned anything about technology over the last few decades, it’s that we don’t prepare for the down...

World War II Shipwreck Leaks Pollutants Into North Sea, Study Finds.

World War II Shipwreck Leaks Pollutants Into North...

In 2019, the team set to work, analyzing surrounding sediment and steel hull samples and finding heavy metals, chemicals, arsen...

Australia Gears Up For Future War In Space.

Australia Gears Up For Future War In Space.

Space has become a potential theatre of war as well as a data super-highway, resulting in new security requirements for the mil...

Nasa Shows How A War Zone Faded From Space.

Nasa Shows How A War Zone Faded From Space.

The Nasa satellite photos have been shared with the BBC as Ethiopian troops and militias, along with soldiers from neighbouring...

William Shatner Experienced Profound Grief In Space.

William Shatner Experienced Profound Grief In Spac...

But Captain Kirk, er, William Shatner, did actually go to space — last year, aboard a capsule piloted by Jeff Bezos's com...
